Bitcoin Consulting for Everyone
Get professional, affordable solutions for Bitcoin investing, storage and security.
Our experts provide practical and strategic guidance on Bitcoin: technology, exchanges, vaults, nodes, wallets, mining, inheritance and secondary markets.
Get a FREE 15-minute Bitcoin consultation with a Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP).
We do not provide financial advice — only technical consulting. By submitting your email address above, you agree to receive future emails from us.
Why Bitcoin?
Having grown up in Greece, I’ve seen how governments steal from their people through inflation and currency debasement. Recently, I’ve been denied access to my money for 2 years through capital controls. With Mark’s patient guidance, he got me into Bitcoin and in a position where my assets are non-confiscatable by the government, or anyone else.
I wish I had taken Mark’s advice in 2013 when he first told me about Bitcoin. But better late than never! He walked me through my first Bitcoin purchase in 2017 and then helped me become self-sufficient with a multi-signature wallet for ultimate security and peace of mind.
As a former programmer, I immediately saw the beauty and logic of Bitcoin as the perfect “hard money” after getting a free consultation from Mark. Now, I am a proud Bitcoin maximalist – HODLing my savings for an uncertain future.
I see Bitcoin as the future: decentralized and leaderless, and yet serving humanity’s evolution. I wanted to give some to my granddaughter, whom I also see as a hope for the future. Mark helped me to set up recurring buys of Bitcoin which will then automatically pass to my granddaughter when I pass.
I highly recommend the service provided by Mark as my Bitcoin consultant. I’m in the medical service industry and freedom is very important to me. Bitcoin helps me feel secure and safe with a portion of my wealth that I plan to pass on to my children.
How it works
Start with a FREE 15 minute phone call.
What is Bitcoin?
The Bitcoin White paper, published in 2008, is the blueprint for how the Bitcoin network operates.
Get the information you need:
A smart and secure way to invest in Bitcoin
For the average investor, dollar cost averaging (DCA) is the easiest and most painless way to own Bitcoin.
Millionaires in the World
There are 50 million US Dollar millionaires in the world. Only 21 million Bitcoin will be created. There are not enough Bitcoin for every millionaire to have one Bitcoin. Do the math!
Bitcoins Currently Mined
More than 92% of all Bitcoins that ever will be created have already been mined (more than 19 million). Only in the year 2140 will the last Bitcoin be mined.
Bitcoin Wallets & Cold storage
Every serious HODLER (holder) of Bitcoin needs their own wallet.
Investment in Bitcoin funds
There are other ways to gain exposure to the benefits of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin Wealth Management
Managing the risks and rewards of Bitcoin present a wide range of opportunities and hazards.